(SMS) Studio Michael Schmitz
⋅ Cologne, Germany
2023, netzwirtschaft, Freelance Designer, Berlin
2022, share, Freelance Designer, Berlin
2021, Bureau Bordeaux, Freelance Designer, Hannover
2021, Studio Jasper Eisenecker, Freelance Designer, Hannover
2021, Eobiont, Freelance Designer, Berlin
2018 – 2023, happen.studio, Freelance Designer, Mainz
2017 – , Heinrich-Boell-Stiftung, Graphic Designer, Mainz
2017 – , Studio Michael Schmitz, (Mainz, Hannover), Köln
2014 – 19, Designlabor Gutenberg, Grafik-Designer, Mainz
2018, Martin&Friends, Freelance Designer, Mainz
2013 – 16, Designlabor Gutenberg, Research Assistant, Mainz
2019, M.A. Information Design, Design Academy Eindhoven (n.f.)
2012 – 16, B.A. Communication Design s.c.l., Hochschule Mainz
2019, Hochschule Mainz (editorial design, "the city of the future")
Selected Clients:
Andre Frere Editions, Marseille
Architektenkammer RLP, Mainz
Arte Store, Antwerpen
BNN, Tokio
Budde Talent Agency, Berlin
Canon Deutschland GmbH, Frankfurt
Das Neue Ensemble, Hannover
D2d Publishing, Krakau
endboss gmbh, Hannover
Fachstelle Bildungsallianzen gegen rechte Ideologien, Dresden
Frappant eV, Hamburg
Gutenberg-Museum, Mainz
Hagloefs, Stockholm
Haldern Pop Festival, Rees
Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung RLP, Mainz
Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Sachsen, Dresden
Inform GmbH, Aachen
Innenministerium Niedersachsen, Hannover
Junges Ensemble Theater Rüsselsheim, Rüsselsheim
Kaltern Pop Festival, Kaltern
Niggli Publishers, Berlin
Priska Huebsch Interiors, London
Rhode Island School of Design, Providence
Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung RLP, Mainz
Schulz&Schulz, Stuttgart
Seda Yildiz (curator), Istanbul
Seebruecke, Berlin
Gabriela Tethalova (artist), Berlin
Thomas Pirot (photographer), Mainz
tisix.io, Köln
Veheme City, Paris
Ventil Verlag, Mainz
Viktor Huebner (photographer), Tromsø
Selected Exhibitions:
2024, Rencontres Arles, Frankreich
2023, Paris Photo 2023, Paris, Frankreich
2023, Rencontres Arles, Frankreich
2022, Paris Photo 2022, Paris, Frankreich
2021, TDC66, Las Naves, Valencia, Spanien
2021, TDC66, Helen E. Copeland Gallery, Bozeman, US
2021, TDC66, BAU, Barcelona, Spanien
2020, TDC66, Exshop gallery, Lille, Frankreich
2020, TDC66, Biblioteca Central de Cantabria, Santander, Spanien
2020, TDC66, The Cooper Union, New York City, US
2019, In Close Range, ClampArt, New York City, US
2019, Gute Gestaltung, DDC, Frankfurt, Deutschland
2019, RISD Grad Show, Convention Center, Providence, US
2024, how communication design works, Niggli Publishers → (EN)
2024, was kommunikationsdesign kann, Niggli Publishers → (GER)
2020, グラフィックデザインにおける秩序と構築 築, Bnn Tokio → (JP)
2020, Porzadek w projektowaniu., D2D Krakau → (PL)
2019, Structuring Design, Niggli Publishers, Salenstein → (EN)
2018, Ordnung in der Gestaltung, Niggli Publishers, Salenstein → (GER)
Selected Awards, Grants:
2024, VG Bildkunst, Publication Grant, Bonn
2023, BIFA, Budapest Int. Foto Award, 1st Place - Professional Book, Hungary
2023, BIFA, Budapest Int. Foto Award, Gold Winner - Best Documentary Book, Hungary
2020, Certificate of typographic excellence, TDC66 New York, US
2019, Award: Publishing, DDC 20, German Designer Club
2018, German Design Award: Nominee Newcomer
Lectures, Workshops:
2022, »Talk with Studio Nina Reisinger« Lecture, IU Berlin
2020, »Designing Books« Lecture, HTW Berlin
2020, »The Horse Club« Lecture, Johannes-Gutenberg-Uni Mainz
2019, Contrasts Workshop, Hochschule Mainz
2019, Blind Spots Workshop, Hochschule Mainz
2018, Men Who Love Men, Cup Club, Mainz
2018, Motivation+Aktion Lecture, Hochschule Mainz
2017, Meta Politix Lecture, Chaos Computer Club, Leipzig
2017, Heimat Schwarz-Weiss, Workshop, Darmstadt
2016, Heimat Schwarz-Weiss, Walpodenakademie, Mainz
Contributions and Features:
2025, Typografische Gesellschaft München, »Basiskompetenz und Herausforderungen des Kommunikationsdesigns« →
2024, PAGE N° 03 2024, »Was Kommunikationsdesign kann«
2022, Neo Nature, HTW Berlin, Magazine
2021, Arte Antwerp, »Covid-19 Design Challenge« Magazine
2020, www.call-for-creatives.com, »Motivation+Aktion« →
2020, The World’s Best Typography, Typography 41
2020, www.booooooom.com, »The Americans I Met«
2019, slanted.com, »Structuring design«
2019, itsnicethat.com, »The Americans I Met«
2019, DDC Gute Gestaltung 20 Yearbook
2018, Typografische Gesellschaft Muenchen, »Ordnung durch Raster«
2018, form N°279, 10–18
(T) +49 162 73 99 448
(M) hallo@studiomichaelschmitz.de
(W) www.studiomichaelschmitz.eu
(I) Instagram
Studio Michael Schmitz ⋅ Cologne, Germany
2023, netzwirtschaft, Freelance Designer, Berlin
2022, share, Freelance Designer, Berlin
2021, Bureau Bordeaux, Freelance Designer, Hannover
2021, Studio Jasper Eisenecker, Freelance Designer, Hannover
2021, Eobiont, Freelance Designer, Berlin
2018 – 2023, happen.studio, Freelance Designer, Mainz
2017 – , Heinrich-Boell-Stiftung, Graphic Designer, Mainz
2017 – , Studio Michael Schmitz, (Mainz, Hannover), Koeln
2014 – 19, Designlabor Gutenberg, Grafik-Designer, Mainz
2018, Martin&Friends, Freelance Designer, Mainz
2013 – 16, Designlabor Gutenberg, Research Assistant, Mainz
2019, M.A. Information Design, Design Academy Eindhoven (n.f.)
2012 – 16, B.A. Communication Design s.c.l., Hochschule Mainz
2019, Hochschule Mainz (editorial design, "the city of the future")
Selected Clients
Andre Frere Editions, Marseille
Architektenkammer RLP, Mainz
Arte Store, Antwerpen
BNN, Tokio
Budde Talent Agency, Berlin
Canon Deutschland GmbH, Frankfurt
Das Neue Ensemble, Hannover
D2d Publishing, Krakau
endboss gmbh, Hannover
Frappant eV, Hamburg
Gutenberg-Museum, Mainz
Hagloefs, Stockholm
Haldern Pop Festival, Rees
Heinrich-Boell-Stiftung RLP, Mainz
Heinrich-Boell-Stiftung Sachsen, Dresden
Innenministerium Niedersachsen, Hannover
Junges Ensemble Theater Rüsselsheim, Rüsselsheim
Kaltern Pop Festival, Kaltern
Niggli Publishers, Berlin
Priska Huebsch Interiors, London
Rhode Island School of Design, Providence
Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung RLP, Mainz
Seda Yildiz (curator), Istanbul
Seebruecke, Berlin
Gabriela Tethalova (artist), Berlin
Thomas Pirot (photographer), Mainz
Veheme City, Paris
Ventil Verlag, Mainz
Viktor Huebner (photographer), Tromsø
2024, how communication design works, Niggli Publishers → (EN)
2024, was kommunikationsdesign kann, Niggli Publishers → (GER)
2020, グラフィックデザインにおける秩序と構築 築, Bnn Tokio → (JP)
2020, Porzadek w projektowaniu., D2D Krakau → (PL)
2019, Structuring Design, Niggli Publishers, Salenstein → (EN)
2018, Ordnung in der Gestaltung, Niggli Publishers, Salenstein → (GER)
Selected Exhibitions
2024, Rencontres Arles, Frankreich
2023, Paris Photo 2023, Paris, Frankreich
2023, Rencontres Arles, Frankreich
2022, Paris Photo 2022, Paris, Frankreich
2021, TDC66, Las Naves, Valencia, Spanien
2021, TDC66, Helen E. Copeland Gallery, Bozeman, US
2021, TDC66, BAU, Barcelona, Spanien
2020, TDC66, Exshop gallery, Lille, Frankreich
2020, TDC66, Biblioteca Central de Cantabria, Santander, Spanien
2020, TDC66, The Cooper Union, New York City, US
2019, In Close Range, ClampArt, New York City, US
2019, Gute Gestaltung, DDC, Frankfurt, Deutschland
2019, RISD Grad Show, Convention Center, Providence, US
Selected Awards, Grants
2024, VG Bild, Publication Grant, Bonn
2023, BIFA, Budapest Int. Foto Award, 1st Place - Professional Book, Hungary
2023, BIFA, Budapest Int. Foto Award, Gold Winner - Best Documentary Book, Hungary
2020, Certificate of typographic excellence, TDC66 New York, US
2019, Award: Publishing, DDC 20, German Designer Club
2018, German Design Award: Nominee Newcomer
Lectures, Workshops
2022, "Talk with Studio Nina Reisinger" Lecture, IU Berlin
2020, "Designing Books" Lecture, HTW Berlin
2020, The Horse Club Lecture, Johannes-Gutenberg-Uni Mainz
2019, Contrasts Workshop, Hochschule Mainz
2019, Blind Spots Workshop, Hochschule Mainz
2018, Men Who Love Men, Cup Club, Mainz
2018, Motivation+Aktion Lecture, Hochschule Mainz
2017, Meta Politix Lecture, Chaos Computer Club, Leipzig
2017, Heimat Schwarz-Weiss, Workshop, Darmstadt
2016, Heimat Schwarz-Weiss, Walpodenakademie, Mainz
Contributions and Features
2025, Typografische Gesellschaft München, »Basiskompetenz und Herausforderungen des Kommunikationsdesigns« →
2024, PAGE N° 03 2024, »Was Kommunikationsdesign kann«
2022, Neo Nature, HTW Berlin, Magazine
2021, Arte Antwerp, »Covid-19 Design Challenge« Magazine
2020, www.call-for-creatives.com, »Motivation+Aktion« →
2020, The World’s Best Typography, Typography 41
2020, www.booooooom.com, »The Americans I Met«
2019, slanted.com, »Structuring design«
2019, itsnicethat.com, »The Americans I Met«
2019, DDC Gute Gestaltung 20 Yearbook
2018, Typografische Gesellschaft Muenchen, »Ordnung durch Raster«
2018, form N°279, 10–18
(T) +49 162 73 99 448
(M) hallo@studiomichaelschmitz.de
(W) www.studiomichaelschmitz.eu
(I) Instagram