(SMS) Studio Michael Schmitz
Analyses of the instititutions “Institut für Staatspolitik”, “Bibliothek des Konservatismus”, “Desiderius-Erasmus-Stiftung” and the history and criticism of right-wing educational institutions.
Anti-democrats want to dominate the public debate. With the long-term strategy of metapolitics, they want to change the political culture so that public discourses are conducted under completely different auspices. They are always successful in doing so. Their institutions are also active in the field of political education, but their work is not democratic political education.
"Where education means openness, new perspectives, debate and controversy, extreme right-wing thinking stands for provocation, conspiracy myths, closure and selection. Education thrives on diversity and contradiction, but the extreme right destroys that. Anti-democracy does not educate, it disguises itself as education. This volume looks at precisely this extreme right-wing strategy and the institutions that support it." Hannah Eitel and Alrun Schleiff
The study looks at three well-known, nationwide anti-democratic institutions that classify themselves as being in the field of political education: the Institute for State Policy, the Library of Conservatism and the Desiderius Erasmus Foundation. A fourth article looks at the role of education and its history in the New Right.
With contributions from: Lilian Hümmler, Stephanie Heide, Ulrich Peters, Tilo Giesbers and Volker Weiß.
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