(SMS) Studio Michael Schmitz
Text from the publisher's website: “Jewish illustrated history from five centuries
Who has ever heard of the notorious Jewish robber chief Abraham Picard, to whom Schinderhannes himself subordinated himself? Or of the Jewish vocational school Masada in Darmstadt, founded in 1947, where young people who had survived the war and the concentration camps were prepared for life in Israel? For the anthology "Next Year In", unusual episodes of Jewish life were collected and translated into comic strips. This forms a panorama of Jewish history in Germany - a look at the diversity of Judaism, exclusion and assimilation, persecution, departure and arrival.
Without resorting to clichés, the illustrators look at religious rituals, Jewish art and culture, everyday anti-Semitism, persecution and resistance and, last but not least, Jewish humor. They tell of exiles, of merchants and artists, of musicians and crooks.
Contributions by Barbara Yelin, Simon Schwartz, Moni Port, Hannah Brinkmann, Tobi Dahmen, Tine Fetz, Elke Renate Steiner, Büke Schwarz and others; with the kind support of the Science City of Darmstadt”
Example pages here
Client: Rosa Luxemburg foundation RLP, Heinrich-Böll foundation RLP, Ventil Verlag